Eight steps to happiness in a dead end job

Karen felt unappreciated. Everyone came to her to solve her problems at her work. She was the most popular person there. However, she was simply burned out. She was overqualified for her job; she was a secretary with a business degree. She explained to her managers how she could help them further in her business. They politely ignored her because of her position: ‘Why should she take advice from a secretary?’ Every day, Karen was tortured by her work with no way out of her.

the difficult problem

With economic downturns in the United States, fierce competition from abroad, and the fast pace of life, I find it difficult to be content with someone else who is entrusted with my career aspirations and future. And you? I have heard too many people complain about their work problems. Some bosses do not value the importance of their employees. These same managers are great at developing goals and distributing tasks, but they fail to inspire their employees. Should there be any surprises when outstanding employees leave a bad situation? Modern work can be an uninspiring endeavor if a person doesn’t know the right people or have the right connections. However, rarely is a person willing to do something different. Some people become unhappy in their lives because they work in terrible conditions. Clearly, I see a world-spanning sense of hopelessness. Unfortunately, most people don’t know how to get out of this vicious cycle of hopelessness. This article examines the problems of a dead end job and how to overcome it before burnout.

today’s trends

The hectic environment of professional life is having a dramatic impact on employees. The reality is that most workers are emotionally drained. According to a CareerBuilder.com survey, half of workers reported feeling a lot of stress at work. In fact, this hectic environment is destroying family life. Forty-four percent of working mothers admitted to worrying about work while at home; Thirty-six of the working parents reported that they bring work home at least once a week. I have seen too many people work jobs they hate because of the financial gain. Unfortunately, some people even believe that pursuing these financial goals will bring happiness. It is not like this! However, several trends suggest that some people may be changing their perspective. According to a 1997 Yankelovich Monitor study, only 25% of adults said “a lot of money” meant success and achievement (down from 35% in previous years). If these trends of hectic work life do not change, society will be headed for a tragic end.

Burnout Factors

Dealing with burnout has become America’s newest hobby. Burnout is defined as a mental condition involving long-term exhaustion and decreased interest in a job task or occupation. There are four recognized stages of burnout including (a) physical, mental and emotional exhaustion; (b) shame and doubt; (c) cynicism and callousness; and (d) failure, impotence and crisis. All stages of burnout produce a gradual progression of work and other responsibilities as a result of personal stress, burnout, and emotional strain.

Christian Maslach and Michael Leiter, authors of The truth about burnout, describe burnout as the disconnection between what people are and what they have to do. Therefore, exhaustion implies the erosion of values, dignity and the human spirit. In fact, many people succeed in the business environment while failing miserably in their personal relationships. Other workers are often underutilized and wasted in organizations. Consequently, they can never show off their skills and abilities. Therefore, they are trapped in a corporate prison where there is no escape. These workers exist in despair and on a fast track to burnout. This reality has not gone unnoticed. According to CareerBuilder.com, 37% of working parents said they would consider taking a new job for less money if it would improve their quality of life. Therefore, the following strategies should be considered to avoid burnout:

  • Understand your personal needs in relation to body, mind and spirit.
  • Set a purpose for living and a reason to get up in the morning.
  • Develop a personal support network. Surround yourself with positive people and individuals who share your vision.
  • Set aside time for meditation, Bible study, and devotion to strengthen your spirituality.
  • Volunteer to participate in a cause or social activity where you can show off your skills.
  • Develop a regular exercise routine and eat well for your health.
  • Become an apprentice in life by taking a class at work or at home.
  • Keep a positive attitude even in the midst of a stressful life.

a positive future

More than 60,000 American workers have lost their jobs since June 2008. The housing market is falling apart and employee wages have stagnated. This article highlighted that today’s employees face severe challenges, but they can prevent burnout by implementing personal strategies. Many employers would argue that a person should be happy if he has a job. In most cases, the American workforce has complied with this corporate logic. However, Maslach and Leiter argue that most workers are stressed, insecure and misunderstood. Some of today’s workers are working in occupations they hate in order to survive. However, I would say that they shouldn’t have to get discouraged. The British essayist Thomas Carlyle once said: “The man without a purpose is like a ship without a rudder: abandoned, a nothing, a nobody. Have a purpose in life and, having it, put as much mental and muscular strength into your work as God has given it to you”. People must be actively involved in developing strategies that promote a healthy body, mind, and spirit. Thus, they can transform themselves from victims in a dead-end job to champions of their own destiny.

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