Eat fat lose fat: what to eat to lose weight

Have you heard that eating fat makes you gain weight and that the key to losing weight is to eat low fat?

Have you heard that fat increases the risk of heart disease and raises cholesterol?

Chances are, you’ve heard these nutritional falsehoods and assumed they’re true, but they’re not. In his book eat fat lose fat nutrition authors Sally Fallon and Dr. Mary Enig defy everything you’ve been told about saturated fat, cholesterol, and weight loss.

If you still believe that a low-fat diet is the key to weight loss, you may be surprised when you read this book, because the authors tell us that the thing to eat to lose weight is saturated fat, especially high amounts of coconut oil. . , to achieve optimal weight and good health.

In the store, you’ll see “Low Fat” advertised in bold type to show that a product is healthy for you. While it’s true that trans fats should be absolutely avoided, high-fat natural foods like avocados and saturated fats are essential to a healthy diet for their various health benefits.

Here are the top 3 tips on how to eat fat to lose fat:

The big emphasis of the Eat Fat Lose Fat diet is on coconut oil. This essential oil is high in Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) which increase metabolic rates and lead to weight loss.

It also supports a sluggish thyroid and promotes T3 hormones. Testimonials abound about the slimming effects of coconut oil, and many people claim that taking coconut oil was all they did to lose 10 to 20 pounds.

Fats and oils:

1. Consume 2-3 tablespoons of virgin coconut oil per day (start with 1 tablespoon and work your way up). You can cook with it or drink in hot water.

2. Use extra virgin olive oil

3. Eat raw cultured butter from grass-fed cows that is rich in CLA, a fatty acid that increases fat burning.

4. Take Krill Oil/Fish Oil Daily

5. Nut butters – 1 tsp. per day or 12 nuts

6. Use coconut milk in smoothies, curries, recipes.

Animal Protein:

1. Eat grass-fed beef (high in CLA which promotes weight loss)

2. Organically Raised Meats and Eggs


1. Avocado (rich in essential fatty acids and protein)

2. Lemons and limes

3. Avoid all other fruits that are too high in sugar


1. All vegetables are acceptable except those high in starch: potatoes, yams, corn

Patient Results:

Michelle took 7 tablespoons of coconut oil a day and lost 6 pounds in a month doing nothing else. She never felt hungry and her cold hands and feet disappeared.

Leia started taking 3 Tb. of coconut oil a day for four weeks and she went from 248 pounds to 222 (she lost 26 pounds) and the only thing she changed in her diet was coconut oil.

In conclusion, eating certain healthy fats like coconut oil, coconut milk, and essential fatty acids will help you burn fat.

It is important to eat fat every day to help make cholesterol, which is the substrate for hormone production. Fats to avoid are hydrogenated oils and processed oils like corn oil, vegetable oil, margarine.

There are many myths surrounding fat:

1. Avoid saturated fats because they cause heart disease.

2. Avoid foods with cholesterol because they will raise it negatively.

3. Keep your cholesterol levels below 200 or you will get heart disease.

Data shows that there is no correlation between cholesterol levels, saturated fat intake and heart disease. Pharmaceutical companies are making everything up to sell cholesterol-lowering drugs. Follow the diet mentioned above and you will never have to worry about your weight or heart disease.

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