Does the president of your university interact with students?

Have you ever had something important that you wanted to bring to the attention of the president of your university?

Students, parents, and alumni can attempt to contact their college president by phone, email, or letter. Some students may even visit the office of the president. Unfortunately, the typical response that most people receive is silence.

Phone calls are generally not returned and there will be no response to your email or letter. Too many college presidents don’t have the time or interest in the things that students, parents, or alumni think or recommend. However, there is an exception: the main donors. If someone donates $10,000 or more, she may receive a form letter or message from a staff member. The fact that students are struggling to pay between $80,000 and $250,000 for tuition and fees may not be considered a sufficient reason to listen to their concerns and suggestions.

When you try to contact the president of your university, you may have surrounded yourself with layers of protection and security. Not much happens. Only official policy comes out.

Few college presidents pick up their own office phones or respond to an email or letter. If by some miracle you get through to an attendant, they will quickly transfer you to “the person who runs that area”. With that, the assistant who works for that person will agree to leave a message. Of course, very often, you will never receive an answer.

On rare occasions, there will be a university president who is different. Those university presidents and some university leaders find ways to gather firsthand information. To listen to their students, they:

1. Designate certain days to answer questions from students, parents, and alumni

2. Give presentations to share information with students and then invite questions

3. Regularly attend sporting events and interact with students.

4. Find time to visit the cafeteria, student union, dorms, and library

5. Organize meetings to listen to the likes, dislikes, concerns and suggestions of the students

6. Meet regularly with student officials and representatives.

7. Walk around campus to chat with students

8. He occasionally attends classes

Important Questions for Students, Parents, and Alumni

1. How many hours each month does the president of your university spend in contact with students? This. 0 1 2 3 4 5 or more

2. Does the president of your university use the university website, campus newspaper, student television and radio station, and in-person presentations to keep the student body informed of current and future goals, activities, and changes that Will it affect students? but

3. Do you know a student who has spoken with the President of his College? but

4. Have you seen the President of your College in the last year? but

5. Should you expect your college president to interact with students? but

6. Should the president of your college implement changes and improvements based on student input, feedback, and suggestions? but

7. Do your top six or eight college leaders interact regularly with students? but

8. Do you think your university president and university leaders really care about the students on your campus? but

9. Does the president of your university have a reputation for being “student friendly”? but

10. What is the problem that you would like your college president to address immediately?





Yes, we all know that university presidents and leaders are busy. However, if university leaders never interact with students to ask about their concerns, they can be seen as callous and insensitive Ivy Tower leaders.

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