Do your passion, first

How many of us want to spend our days building our own business, designing a stellar fashion line, writing that novel you’ve been putting aside, inventing the latest groundbreaking gadget? Too many. We continually drown in intolerably stressful work due to the usual excuses: too much backlog, our boss breathing us down, reports to file, something came up, blah blah blah.

We keep doing what you have to do instead of what you want to do.

We believe these issues are important because they pay the rent, the bills, and the food on the table. So we keep telling ourselves, “Someday, when I earn enough, I’ll go back to school and get that degree.” “Someday I’m going to be an artist.” “Someday I’ll start my own business, just wait.” Well guess what? That one day will not come. You are only fooling yourself with illusions. now it is the only moment that is important. now it’s the only thing you can capture, measure and immediately see what happens. now it’s the only time your you can do something about it.

I learned this the hard way. Before I used to keep wishing for myself,

“Someday I will become a writer.” Two years later I still say the same things. Nothing has changed. It was then that I realized that my wish came true every time. it will happen someday. Not today. Not tomorrow. Not the next two years because it’s just someday -one day that maybe Prayed never I like it.

That got me thinking, ‘What little thing could I do to get closer to my goal?’ Slowly and with some trepidation, I experimented and set aside a day where I would write first thing in the morning before doing anything related to my day job. There was a risk that I would take time away from my job, but it was only for one day. It could do no damage and was free to revert to its previous form if it failed.

Well, something miraculous happened. Doing what I love first thing in the day felt so liberating, so blissful, so adrenaline-inducing that some of it carried over into my day job. Now I’m living my life with passion.

So take an hour every day to do what do you love to do. What can you lose? Do it first thing in the morning when you’re fully awake and alert, no one is interrupting you, and those emails haven’t started coming in demanding your time. Treat yourself to a little joy in life. After all, you deserve it. And who knows? For a few precious minutes a day, little by little while you do your passion, live your dream……. You could get it.

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