DIY Penis Rings for DIY Fun

In the world of male sex toys, the cock ring may well be the most popular and most widely used. Although there are dozens of manufactured rings available, some men prefer a homemade version. As long as care is taken to ensure proper use and continued good health of the penis, homemade cock rings can be a fun DIY experience.

Why homemade?

There are a number of reasons why a man might prefer a handmade cock ring to one that can be purchased at a sex toy store or online. Some of these reasons include:

1. Cost. There can be a wide variation in the cost of these specialty rings; a basic rubber model may only cost a few dollars, but a more luxurious version with vibration capabilities can easily cost $20 or more. Frugal shoppers may prefer a DIY approach to saving a few bucks to spend on a special date (or to stock up on condoms).

2. Shame. Some men just aren’t comfortable going into a store, standing in the sex toy aisles, and then paying for an option at the cashier. Even ordering online can be embarrassing for some men, or they just don’t want it to show up on their shared credit card statement.

3. Creativity. We live in an increasingly DIY world; Increasingly, people like to individualize everything from their cell phone cases to their wardrobe choices, so why not their sex toys? A homemade ring gives a man the opportunity to let the toy say something special about him.

4. Test run. It’s not a bad idea for a man to try a ring on an inexpensive homemade version to see what he thinks before taking the plunge with the “professional” models.

What can be used?

A penis ring is a circular device that is normally placed over the penis or (more generally) over the penis and testicles. Restricts blood flow in and out of the penis; this can often increase both the firmness and duration of a man’s erection.

Any object that can fit around the genitals and provide some tension can be used. Some popular DIY options include:

  • Shoelaces or other strings. This is one of the easiest options. Just tie the genitals in the proper way. Because it is laced, this option is easy to loosen or tighten as desired and is usually easy to remove.
  • Rubber bands. These are also popular, although it’s generally a good idea to use a good lubricant when applying them; otherwise, the elastic bands can be a bit painful to remove. There is also a risk that the elastic band will break or become too tight.
  • Rubber straps. Many of the popular rubber bracelets found on the high street are perfectly sized to use as a cock ring. Once again, proper lubrication is required.
  • Plumber rings. Many plumbing supply stores sell rubber or metal rings for various plumbing uses that are sized appropriately for genital rings. (Lubrication, of course, is a must.)

use with care

As with any sex toy, proper care must be taken when using a cock ring. Sufficient lubrication is always a good idea. Other things to remember are:

  • Use it for a limited time only. Some men want to walk around with an erection for hours at a time, but this can damage the penis. It is best to wear a ring at the beginning of a sexual experience (alone or with a partner) and then remove it as soon as the experience is over.
  • If you feel any pain, discomfort, or numbness with the ring, loosen it or remove it completely.
  • Consult a doctor before using with drugs intended to treat erectile dysfunction.

A homemade cock ring can be a great introduction to this form of sexual play; For some men, the resulting sexual activity can result in a sore penis (if you’re very happy), so always use a high-quality penis health cream. (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) for aftercare. The pain of an overworked penis will quickly respond to the benefits of a high-end emollient like shea butter and a natural moisturizer like vitamin E. But make sure the cream also includes L-arginine, an important ingredient for help maintain adequate blood to the penis. flow.

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