Definition of icebreaker games

Need icebreaker games for small groups? Are you looking to provide some icebreaker games at a women’s retreat, group games for a youth group, or even group therapy activities? Whatever your need, it is important that you understand your purpose and objective in using an icebreaker. Understanding what an icebreaker is and how to optimize its effects will make the experience more fruitful, engaging, and satisfyingly fun.

Icebreaker Definition: A challenging and thought-provoking activity that educates and entertains with the intention of leaving a permanent and lasting impression while increasing communication and cohesion of the people involved.

First of all, your activity must be stimulating. It has been said that “the mind can only absorb what the butt can take.” This means don’t let your audience go crazy. You need to keep their attention with something interesting and fun. An icebreaker activity promotes interaction and socialization that stimulates the brain, body, and spirit.

Educating people while playing and doing an activity is a very effective way of teaching. When a lot of information has to be taught at once, it is difficult for the brain to collect it all because the person may get bored or lose interest. It has been said that a kindergartner has an attention span of 5 min. that’s why all of the Elmo and Baby Einstein shows change characters and theme so often. I think this is also true for adults who only complete at 20 minutes. Keeping your class or reading exciting will increase your group’s ability to recall information.

If an icebreaker includes these key features, you’ll have the perfect icebreakers for women’s retreats, the perfect group therapy activities, and small group games.

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