Decoding the Mayan Calendar

Tea Mayan calendar It was based on the planet Venus and the Pleiades star cluster and on the premise that the world was round. The Mayans used the digit 0 and it formed the basis of all their calculations; Today all computer language is based on 0 and 1. Mayan calendars were much more accurate than our calendars and were used for prophecies and predictions. It was a calendar to say the date but also to say what would happen on a particular date. This calendar has proven to be extremely accurate. He predicted solar and lunar eclipses to this day. These were in the northern and southern hemispheres and indicated that the Mayans knew that the world was round. Eclipses were predicted 1,000 years in the future, long after the disappearance of the Mayans.

His system was based on:

1. The sun

2. The moon

3. The planets

4. The stars

5. Venus

6. Constellation of the Pleiades

And there were 17 different types of calendars with each calendar related to a different planet, star or constellation and one day on a particular calendar would tell you where that particular planet was, etc., in relation to Earth. They were not linear, but cylindrical in nature and all came together to form a complex set of interlocking concentric circles or spheres similar to the movement of the planets in our solar system around the Earth. Time and space were linked.

FOR 365 day solar calendar referred to as a vague year and recorded the approximate 365-day cycle of the earth around the sun. It was divided into 18 months of 20 days and the remaining 5 days were called unfavorable days. Tea 260-day divine or sacred calendar called long days and was divided into 13 months of 20 days duration. That is not directly related to the movement of a planet and rather sees the universe as a whole; it is also called a cycle of cycles. The 260-day sacred calendar fitted into the other calendars a bit like the cogs in a wheel. The 365 calendar would indicate the date and the sacred calendar would detail what was going to happen on that date.

The exact starting date of the Sacred Calendar has been translated into the Gregorian Calendar and the starting date of this calendar was August 13, 3114 BC; the exact date the planet Venus first appeared on Earth’s horizon, signifying the birth of the current cosmos. The constellation of the Pleiades would have been on the horizon announcing the arrival of the Venus Cycle. The Mayans, like the Aztecs, believed that the world had been created multiple times. They believed that they inhabited the fourth world and each of the previous worlds had been destroyed by some cataclysm.

First destroyed by fire from heaven.

2nd destroyed by the sun.

3rd destroyed by water.

There is speculation about the exact causes of the destruction of the worlds, but the Mayans date the end of the worlds coincidentally at the end of each of the Great Venus Cycles.

Calendar round

A calendar round is the day that solar 365 and sacred / Venusian 260 complete a full cycle and return to the same starting day. The Mayans would then have the beginning of the new fire ritual, since they believed that it is possible that the world will come to an end at the end of this 52-year period. The ends of these 52-year periods were minor rounds on the calendar. The Mayans believed that there had been the destruction of 3 worlds prior to theirs. The next Great Time Cycle, which will see the end of the Venus period, has been successfully calculated. This required the use of modern computer-aided astronomical calculations.

Just before sunset, on December 21, 2012, Venus will sink below the western horizon and, at the same time, the Pleiades will rise above the eastern horizon. Symbolically, Venus will die and the cycle of the Pleiades will begin. Exactly what will happen to Earth at that time is not detailed in the Mayan calendar as December 21, 2012 is when the Mayan calendar ends, which has been incredibly accurate so far.

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