Creating Your Liposuction Recovery Space

Pre-surgery planning can alleviate many headaches and frustrations after you return home to recover. The last thing you want to do after a surgical procedure is go shopping, do laundry, or buy pain medication while you recover.

The Liposuction Experience

Before you opt for liposuction to improve your appearance, do your research and choose an experienced plastic surgeon who will take the time to discuss your needs and concerns about the procedure.

The liposuction procedure involves removing trapped fat from certain trouble spots on the body, including the buttocks, thighs, hips, abdomen, upper arms, chin, and neck. Recovery after liposuction can range from days to months, depending on the extent of the procedure. Normal life can resume after a few weeks, followed by full recovery in a few months. But initially, expect some discomfort, swelling, bruising, and even numbness for several days.

Plan your return home

What are your needs going to be in the next 24 hours? First make sure you have someone pick you up from the doctor’s office to take you home. Because of your preparation efforts, your home will be a welcoming place and a sanctuary for your healing. Here are some tips on how to prepare for your recovery space:

When you leave the hospital, you will wear compression garments for the first few days to speed up your recovery time. Make sure you have loose clothing to wear over the garment when you leave the hospital and to relax at home and recover. Expect some nausea from the medication and anesthesia. Be prepared by creating a comfortable and relaxing environment for all your needs and use it as a shopping list and preparation guide for your return home after surgery:

o Have medications, including antibiotics, pain relievers, and anti-nausea medications, at your bedside
o Have cold drinks nearby: avoid fruit juices and drinking water that can irritate the stomach.
o Wait for some fluid to come out of the incision. Have your bed covered to avoid stains.
o Have petroleum jelly or thick lotion to apply to itchy skin after your first shower
o Keep your fridge stocked with healthy foods to keep your new healthy look

Here are some habits and products you may want to keep out of your recovery space during the first few days of healing:

o Avoid alcohol for at least 48 hours before and after surgery
o Do not use ice packs or a heating pad on liposuctioned areas
o Do not immerse yourself in a bath, pool, hot tub, or any other body of water for at least 7 days to avoid infection

o Do not use hydrogen peroxide or plasters on the incision
o Do not rush when using the bathroom or shower. Expect to feel dizzy or lightheaded during the first phase of recovery
o Have your walking shoes nearby. Doctors recommend brisk walking soon after surgery to prevent blood clots from forming.

Be sure to go to all of your scheduled checkups with your doctor. Talk to your doctor about when you can return to your normal routine of work and recreation, including exercise. Remember that to maintain your new slim look, it’s up to you to surround yourself with healthy foods and exercise regularly.

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