Can You Get a Bail Bond For a Non-Criminal Charge?

Bail Bond For a Non-Criminal Charge

Bail bonds allow accused individuals to stay out of jail while they wait for their court date. They work by requiring a friend or family member to put up money and promise that they will pay if the accused misses their court date. It is hoped that the threat of losing their property will keep people from skipping out on their court dates and returning to jail. Depending on state law, people who have been charged with any non-capital crime are usually eligible for bail. There are some crimes that may require people to remain in custody until their trial, such as murder and certain types of assault.

The amount of the bail bonds google reviews will be determined by a judge at the initial bail hearing. The judge will take into account several things, including whether the crime is violent or not and the accused person’s criminal record. The judge will also consider whether they believe that the accused will be a danger to others if they are released from jail and if they are likely to flee if released.

If the judge decides that the accused is a flight risk they will usually not release them on bail. They may instead decide to place them on a pretrial program or put them on electronic monitoring. In these cases, it is more likely that the accused will return to their court date since they are required to comply with program rules or be monitored.

Can You Get a Bail Bond For a Non-Criminal Charge?

Those who cannot afford to pay the full amount of their bond can contact a bail bond agency. A bail bond agent will ask for the full name of the accused, the charges and any other information they can gather about the case. The agent will then post the bond and act as the surety. In exchange, the accused must sign a contract stating that they will go to court as scheduled and if they do not, the bail bond company will pursue means to get the money back.

Some people are charged with federal crimes, which usually require a higher fee and extra collateral for the bond. In some cases, the federal judge will decide that the accused is not a flight risk and will allow them to be released on their own recognizance.

When a loved one is arrested, the first thing most people want to do is help them get out of jail so they can keep their job, care for their children and prepare for their case with a clear mind. Often, they do not understand the entire process involved and end up signing for a bail bond without knowing what they are getting themselves into. It is important that they talk to an experienced attorney about the charges and the bail process. A lawyer can explain how the bail system works in their area and even argue for a reduced bond if they are not happy with the judge’s decision. They can also explain the different types of collateral that is acceptable and what the accused will need to do in order to make sure they go to court as expected.

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