Calories during sex: how many calories do you burn during a 30 minute sex session?

Most of us assume that anything that feels good can’t be good at all. Well, it’s time to move away from that logic because something that feels good can actually be beneficial to your health. We are talking about sex here, specifically safe sex.

Have you ever heard of the cliché, “Touch heals”? Your body’s chemical composition actually changes when it is affected. Cuddling, cuddling, cuddling, and hugging have the ability to change the chain reaction of chemicals in your body. The results are impressive: strengthened emotional leaps and improved health and general mood.

Does sex play an important role in losing weight and lowering cholesterol levels? If it does. The average number of calories burned during a 30-minute sex session is 150. When you compare it with other activities that you actually do on a daily basis, you will see that you burn more with sex than with the rest. Housework can burn just 111 cal, Yoga 114 cal, and dancing 129 cal. Actually, it is said that sex is a legitimate form of exercise that lowers cholesterol level.

Sex not only burns energy, but also helps improve circulation. The deep breathing and increased heart rate that occurs during a 30-minute session helps increase blood flow throughout the body. It then supplies fresh oxygen, hormones, and nutrients to the brain and other organs. The rate at which waste deposits are removed from your body system is also increased, thus resulting in weight loss and the prevention of fatigue and disease. Finally, you sleep better after a 30-minute lovemaking session. You would sleep longer and more rested due to the soothing afterglow.

Whether you’re making love with your partner, or even during orgasm, you’re actually burning calories and reaping the benefits.

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