Brilliant memory tricks to impress your friends!

A brilliant memory not only leaves room for productivity to skyrocket, but also creates an opportunity for you to build your confidence and entertain your friends.

As for me, my friends and I don’t see much of each other, so when we run into each other, I make sure to have a good time together and usually do so by impressing them with some of my memory tricks.

One of the first things I would do to show off a brilliant memory is mental math tricks. The truth is that solving math problems quickly does not require long and tedious operations. There are brilliant memory tricks to try and impress your friends more. For example, you can square any two-digit number that ends in 5 quite simply. Say 25, take the first number and multiply it to the next higher number, then add 25 to the result.

You can also memorize 10 random things declared by your friends using your excellent memory and the power of association. Ask your friend to say 10, and as he does so, link them in your mind in an order that they relate to a particular number that also goes from 1 to 10. Even have them do well for a no contest!

The third is through visual memory. Take a photo or even the facade of the busy restaurant you are in. Take a wide look and then close your eyes. Have your friends ask you questions about it and answer it perfectly! The key to making a brilliant visual memory performance is to absorb everything you see and concentrate well.

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