Best ways to beat your friends in racing games

Whether it’s a realistic driving simulator like Gran Turismo, a rally race time to beat, or a projectile throwing game (you know which one I mean), there are several tactics that could put you in a better place than them by following these helpful tips. :

Drive to the outside of a track when in a straight line, and then as you approach a corner, drive slowly into the curb of the corner and then back out of the corner as you came in first. This is known as the ideal racing line for a curve, particularly for realistic racing games.

Sometimes your friends may have an item or a power that can be anything that slows you down. Projectiles such as rockets or flying projectiles are an example here. With reference to cute kart racing games like Mario Kart or Crash Team Racing, if you are ahead of a friend who has a projectile gun and is about to shoot you, always make sure you have some form of defense. In some games, you can fire projectiles behind you, so when a rocket approaches you, it shoots behind and at the perfect time, it should detonate the oncoming projectile, making you safe for the moment!

If you want to be the best, there are tactics that, although discreet, are not very sporty but that can give you a competitive advantage over your teammates. One tactic can be known as breaking into friends who are close to you, so that you can push them out of their running line and eventually force them to maneuver away from you. In cute karting games, a heavier character is an ideal example of this when you can drive smaller racers away, possibly even off the track entirely when they fall into boiling lava (here’s an evil laugh).
Finally, a tip for those who always end up playing catch-up, even though you are behind the leaders, the trick is to persevere and keep them. Eventually, it may even get to a point where the distance between you and the leader becomes so small that you put a lot more pressure on them, making them 30% more likely to crash!

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