Bed of nails and other stunts

In the sideshow he used to do the bed of nails act. Sometimes I would show the bed of nails and just lie down and other nights I would sit cross-legged. One night I remember Batman Rick thinking it would be fun to throw knives at a watermelon that was on my chest.

I used to joke about the fat lady sitting on me and tell people that I would put a blindfold on me so the fat lady couldn’t see me. She’d be surprised how many people never got the humor of that.

Now keep in mind that I’m working with a circus show…it’s “PC” and an honor to call FannyMae by her show name…ie Fat FannyMae. Now keep in mind that we call her that because… well… FannyMae and not FannyMae… it all depends on her mood.

So I’m on the bed of nails with my mask on and Batman has Jim place the watermelon on my chest, as part of the act and everything is going according to plan when all of a sudden I feel like someone is pouring water on me. like a sprinkler or sprinkler… short bursts of water. For my own safety, I take off my mask and look at the watermelon to find that it’s full of throwing knives and Batman is serving a tent full of people.

To this day I wish I had left the mask on. Keep in mind that the bed of nails is not easy and it gets harder when you have a watermelon and a knife thrower. Many people think that throwing knives has some secret trick. The real trick is when the knife throwing artist has made his skills second nature. I have to tell you that when Batman Rick throws knives at him, he is always dead. However, can you imagine how he feels when they stick knives into a watermelon with a thumping sound? Imagine the feeling of that water splashing everywhere. If you’ve never seen a sideshow or performed like this, if you get the chance, all I can say is go and have fun. Most of these acts are very skilled at what they do and take life in their hands. You will be surprised. Everything is alive and real inside.

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