Audiobooks can help you be a better person

You may have noticed the rise in popularity of audiobooks of late. Just like written books, audiobooks are created in all genres, from self-help, science fiction, biographies, religious, thrillers, and more. One of the fastest growing audiobook genres has been self-help and self-improvement audiobooks.

Self-help audiobooks come in various categories including creativity, health and fitness, interpersonal skills, motivation, personal growth, sex and relationships, stress management, success, time management, and religious titles. There really is a self-help audiobook topic for everyone’s needs.

There are many great creative titles available. These can include great works like John C Maxwell’s Thinking for a Change, which teaches 11 ways successful people approach life and work. Another great audiobook is called How to Think Like Einstein by Scott Thorpe, which teaches techniques used by Einstein and other geniuses to expand his mind.

The author of a best-selling health and fitness audiobook is Dr. Nicholas Perricone, who specializes in how your health can affect your appearance. There are also excellent health audiobooks on popular diets like Atkins and the Zone diet.

A very practical audiobook to help with interpersonal skills is 250 Job Interview Questions by Peter Veruki. Veruki’s audiobook is a must-have for preparing anyone waiting for a job interview or for recent college graduates. Another beneficial audiobook to help improve interpersonal skills is How to Get Your Point Across in 30 Seconds by Milo Frank. This audiobook teaches how to get your point across in 30 seconds and why it matters. And it provides the research to back it up.

One of my all-time favorite motivational audiobooks is The Magic of Thinking Big by Dr. David Schwartz. This classic was written in 1959 and its principles are still valid today. Dr. Schwartz teaches that one does not have to be an intellectual or have some kind of special innate talent to be successful, but what one needs is to learn and understand the habit of thinking and behaving in ways that help you get there. .

There are many personal growth audiobooks to choose from. They can come from many different perspectives of famous people, such as the Dalai Lama’s book The Art of Dying. There are also modern classics like Eckhart Tolle’s Gateway to Now.

There are audiobooks on sex and relationships from many different perspectives. They can range from authors like traditionalist Dr. Laura Schlessinger’s audiobook 10 Stupid Things Couples Do to Wreck Their Relationships, to Sex in the City writer Greg Behrendt’s popular book.

One of the most popular time management audiobooks is The On-Time, On-Target Manager by Ken Blanchard. This is an engaging parable that teaches how to overcome procrastination and increase productivity.

There are also some great religious titles, like The Purpose Driven Life by Pastor Rick Warren. This inspiring book helps you discover who you are and what God’s wonderful plan is for your life. This is an audiobook everyone should listen to too, even if you’re not a Christian.

With such a wide variety and high-quality self-help audiobooks, it’s easy to see why they’re so successful. One of the best things about them is how easy it is to just put them in your CD player or load them onto your iPod and then you can listen to them whenever you want. It’s also easy to play your audiobook a second and third time to really absorb and learn its lessons.

Today you don’t have to get your audiobooks as books on tape and you don’t have to drive all the way to the mall to buy your audiobook as a CD. Now the best way to find an audiobook is on the Internet. Audiobooks can be downloaded for instant access in mp3 format off the web. After you download your audiobook, you can play it on your PC, burn it to disc, or load it onto your iPod or mp3 player. It’s as easy as that. Another great feature is that downloaded audiobooks cost a fraction of the cost of packaged audiobook CDs from the store.

With such a huge variety of self-help audiobooks and audiobook downloads faster and less expensive than ever before, don’t you think it’s about time you discovered how easy it is to improve your life by listening to audiobooks too?

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