Article 7 – Blogging for profit – The content of your blog – Keeping your readers interested

Blog content is the most important aspect of your blog. Why? Because the very nature of blogging means that you will have readers visiting your blog every day to see what you are currently saying about your chosen niche. If your blog content is repetitive or boring, you may draw a reader to your blog once or twice, but they’ll go somewhere else unless they’re “hooked” on what you’re saying. What happens if you run out of interesting and engaging things to discuss on your blog? Without worries; Here are some fun and easy things you can add to your blog that will “make it better.”

News: Every day, there are numerous press releases on just about every topic out there. Find some interesting (and controversial) news to include on your blog, and write some pithy comments about the news. This is a very simple and easy way to create great content for your blog.

Forums:I recently wrote an article about using forums to drive traffic to your blog. Forums are another very good source of information to add to your blog. Again, make sure the content is yours.

Tip of the day: Tips of the day are another great way to write an interesting blog post. Since the niche you’re writing about is something you should have some experience in, this should be easy to do. Again, look for topics that are a bit controversial or that people have a strong opinion about.

Site or tool of the week: I am constantly researching new and exciting websites or tools to help me in my internet marketing efforts. If it’s the same, pick a new website or tool you’re using and write a blog post about why this tool or site works (or doesn’t work) for you. Unfortunately, our society is just as interested (if not more) in things that don’t work than things that do. Don’t make something up just to get your readers up. Be honest and you will write great content.

Customer feedback: Most blogs have the feature of allowing their readers to leave a comment on a specific blog post. You, as the blog writer, have the ability to allow or disallow those comments. I always allow comments to be posted and reserve the right to edit them. If you receive an interesting or controversial comment, take the time to research the comment and make a blog post that explores both sides of the comment.

There you go. These are simple and easy ways to create new and interesting blog posts to share with your readers. One final thought: if for some reason you can’t create a good blog post one day, skip it. It would be better to post nothing than to post a bad blog post.

I hope these quick and easy strategies help you in your “blogging for profit” endeavor.

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