Aloe Vera and Colloidal Silver The Perfect Remedy

From children washing under an overly hot tap to accidentally dropping a cup of coffee, burns are a potential hazard in every home. In fact, burns, especially hot water and liquid scalds, are some of the most common accidents. Although some minor burns are not a cause for concern and can be safely treated at home, other more serious burns require medical attention.

Burns are the most unpleasant incidents of our life. It damages the skin, which is the body’s first line of defense against microorganism infections. This makes the body susceptible to infection. Infections can occur both in the affected areas and in the surrounding areas. It can also affect internal parts as burned skin leaves a huge hole in the body’s defense mechanism. Therefore, it is very important to prevent infection after a burn injury.

Burns are often classified as first, second, or third degree burns, depending on how severely the skin is damaged. Equally important is the cause of burns which can be the result of scalds, chemical burns, electrical burns, excessive sun exposure, or contact with hot objects. Both the type of burn and its cause will determine how the burn is treated. All burns must be treated quickly to reduce the temperature of the burned area and reduce damage to the skin and underlying tissue.

First degree burns are limited to the top layer of the skin and the healing time is approximately 3 to 6 days. The top layer of skin over the burn may peel off in 1 to 2 days. Second-degree burns are more serious and involve the layers of skin below the top layer. These burns cause blisters, severe pain, and redness. The blisters sometimes break open and the area appears moist with a bright pink to cherry red color. Third degree burns are the most serious type of burn and involve all layers of the skin and underlying tissue. The surface appears dry and may appear waxy, leathery, brown, or charred white. There may be little to no pain, or the area may feel numb at first due to nerve damage. The healing time depends on the severity of the burn. Deep second and third degree burns (called full thickness burns) will probably need to be treated with skin grafts, in which healthy skin is taken from another part of the body and surgically placed over the burn wound to help the heal area.

The aloe vera plant has been used since ancient times to heal infections and burns. The healing properties of this plant are well known. This humble roadside plant can even be a sunburn lotion. Legend has it that Cleopatra’s favorite beautiful beauty cream was aloe vera. The US Navy once stocked aloe vera for use against terrible radiation burns in the event of a nuclear attack. It was used by African hunters to reduce perspiration. Ancient Egyptian, Arab, African, and Indian records show how the aloe vera plant was used. The aloe vera plant is also mentioned in the New Testament. The ancient Chinese used aloe vera gel to treat eczematous skin conditions. With a high water content of almost 96%, the aloe vera plant has long been hailed as a medicinal plant with many beneficial properties.

Treating sunburn with aloe vera has been one of the most traditional uses of the plant for the past thousands of years by indigenous cultures, including American Indians, Central Americans, South Americans, and civilizations such as the Incas and Mayans. Aloe vera is, in fact, extremely helpful in treating not just sunburn, but burns of any kind. In fact, if there is someone who has suffered a severe burn, and if an aloe vera leaf is squeezed and the resulting gel is applied to the burn and smeared, that burn will generally reduce its severity by one or more degrees. In other words, if it was a third degree burn, it will become a second degree burn, and if it was a second degree burn, it will become a first degree burn. One can literally save someone’s skin, or even potentially save their life if there is enough aloe vera around and if they burn on a large enough portion of their body.

In fact, a large part of the doctors have suggested that the Aloe vera plant should be kept in ambulances and hospitals or even in emergency rooms. This is one of the most powerful healing substances available in nature in terms of first aid treatment. It is extremely low in cost, well proven over thousands of years of use, and is simply good medicine. It is more powerful in terms of stopping burns and healing wounds than anything else known to modern medicine, despite all our technology. This simple and humble little plant does more than all medical researchers combined in terms of providing effective first aid for burns.

Aloe vera is also used as an ingredient in soap. These soaps are also effective for treating minor burns. It is also claimed that aloe gel applied topically could help heal radiation burns. Stabilized aloe gel is generally applied to the affected area of ​​the skin three to five times a day. Its natural moisturizing properties help the skin heal and cool the burn.

Aloe vera, or commercial products containing aloe, is found in most American homes. Its regular use can decrease the redness and swelling associated with a burn. To date, there are no known adverse reactions or side effects with topical use of aloe gel. After cleaning and treating the burn as needed, aloe gel can be applied to help protect it and speed up the healing process. Soap containing Aloe vera is quite useful in such cases.

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