Alliance Cooking Guide: Fishing for Raw Redgill

This Alliance cooking guide will look at fishing for raw red gill to level your culinary skill beyond the difficult 225-300 ranges. Most people find that it takes them several hours to farm the materials needed to get to 300 by following other guides, but my Alliance Cooking Guide will get you there in about 1 hour Fishing for Raw Redgill, not including travel time to fishing spots and to buy the recipe.

To put my Alliance Cooking Guide into practice and start fishing, you need to have close to 400 fishing skills or know someone with the right fishing skill level who is willing to fish for you. However, with a minimum fishing skill level of 300 and some Aquadynamic Fish Attractors, you should have no problem fishing for raw Redgill.

Now this is where I must confess that fishing for raw red gill alone will not raise your cooking skill to 300. My Alliance cooking guide calls for 2 other types of fish: raw white-scale salmon and raw-scale salmon. solar that are captured in the same pond.

Before you start fishing, you need to choose the recipes. Hopefully, you already have the flight paths to all these places or are going to ride a lot.

Fly to Booty Bay. Find Cook Kelsey Yance and purchase Recipe: Filet of Redgill. Take the boat to Rachet. Fly to Gadgetzan. Travel east to Steamwheedle Harbor and purchase the recipe: Poached Sunscale Salmon from Gikkix. Return to Gadgetzan and fly to Feathermoon Stronghold in Feralas. Buy Recipe: Vivianna’s Baked Salmon.

I would recommend buying additional recipes to sell at the Auction House as they can get up to 5-10 times more than what you bought them depending on your server.

Alliance Cooking Guide Travel Tip: If your Hearthstone is set in Dalaran, you can power up there after Booty Bay and take the portal to Tanaris.

Once you’ve collected all the recipes, fly to Everlook in Winterspring. Drive west to Frostfire Hot Springs just before the entrance to Timbermaw Hold.

For our Alliance Cooking Guide, we are catching raw red gill (5%), raw sun flake salmon (35%) and raw white flake salmon (40%). All three can be caught here, but it seems like the only time you can catch the raw sunscale salmon is between 12: 00-18: 00 server time. If you’re having trouble catching enough raw Redgill for the Alliance Cooking Guide, test the waters on the other side of Timbermall Hold in Felwood. The catch rate is around 40%.

Amounts required:

Raw Red Gall x 25

Raw Sunscale Salmon x 25

Raw White Scaled Salmon x 25.

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