4 Ways On How To Apply Coffee Bean Oil Hair Treatment To Support Hair Growth

These days, coffee bean oil is one of the most sought after oils for various anti-aging cosmetic products as it contains enzymes, vitamins and a very high concentration of caffeine. In addition, coffee bean oil has a very pleasant aroma that fills your mind with relaxing sensations. As well as having an invigorating aroma, it also has a number of health benefits.

Among others, it helps to increase blood circulation. Thus, it stimulates the hair follicles to speed up hair growth. Coffee bean oil can be applied in many different ways, such as direct application to the scalp, pre-shampoo treatment, application of shampoo and conditioner with or without rinsing. Coffee contains much more caffeine than tea. So if you’re struggling with a lot of shedding, then coffee oil should be your first choice to stop it in its tracks.

1. Pre-shampoo treatment

Apply the oil on your hair and massage your scalp for about 10-20 minutes before washing your hair.

2. Overnight hair mask

Massage the oil into your scalp with your fingertips and leave it on overnight to strengthen your hair.

3. Coffee shampoo

Simply add a few drops of the oil to the shampoo while you wash your hair.

4. Hair serum

Apply a small amount of coffee oil to freshly washed hair and style as usual.

If you have skin that reddens easily, you may have sensitive skin. Before using any new cosmetic product, you should always do a skin patch test first. A skin patch test is easy to do at home.

You can take the test in four easy steps:

1. Apply a small amount of the skin care product to the inside of the wrist or the inside of the elbow. Rub into skin thoroughly. Keep the test area small, in case there is a negative reaction to the product.

2. Let the product sit on the skin for at least 24 hours. Skin testing after showering is recommended, as you do not want to wash the product off.

3. Throughout the 24-hour period, check the patch area for redness, burning, swelling, or pain in the patch area. If you have these symptoms, gently rub the skin care product into your skin using cool water only. Gently pat it dry with a towel.

4. After 24 hours, look at the test patch area. If there was no skin reaction, the product is safe to use on the body or face.

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