3 rules to make your status updates pique the interest of Facebook and Twitter

Facebook and Twitter give you a tremendous opportunity to share information. With fields that easily tempt you like “what are you doing?” And what do you have in mind?” It seems like you can literally share anything! And tragically, some people share almost everything!

The flexibility of what you can share via social media has made it the joke of many TV stations and newspapers. This open nature of sharing has also contributed to its rapid growth. With just the two major social networks, there are more than 700 million people involved. With many new businesses launching social marketing campaigns, they are wondering, what should I say? What should my business say that stands out? How can my status update spark interest to drive more sales? How can I generate more conversations about my products and services?

It’s not a quick question to ask. The quick answer to what NOT to do is “don’t sell all day every day”. No one wants to be thrown constantly. To give those who have liked your page and even those who follow you something to interact with, we encourage you to consider the following elements when creating engaging status updates:

  1. Common questions – For inspiration, check the “Frequently Asked Questions” section of your website. Those questions that you get asked all day can be transformed into questions that spark interest. Don’t just provide the answers, add them and give them an edge that compels someone to want to know more.
  2. share links – Links give those you’re connected with something to participate in. They may click on links that take them to your website or even an article that you think will help them. Shuffle the links you share. Sharing only the links that lead to your website will ensure that you don’t receive valuable clicks for too long.
  3. Value added – With only 140 characters to share, you might think, how can I add value with only a small amount of space? You can share tips, tricks, and even small portions of a testimonial in 140 characters. Use your space wisely and you’ll keep people coming back for more.

When you write status updates that spark interest, encourage people to share, and add value, you’ll create a social media presence that drives sales daily.

Find out how you can use status updates as part of your Facebook marketing strategy.

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