105 reasons I was grateful, in one day

These are all reasons I was thankful recently. Hope some items on this list speak to you.

  1. That I can, and often do, experience that the resurrection has failed.

  2. For the prayers of repentance that I just prayed

  3. For God’s reminder that He is with me in is

  4. By the wisdom you recognize I will be tested

  5. For other wisdom, that the voids are designed to be filled

  6. That this exercise is a sacred filler

  7. That I can participate in a hundred godly interactions a day.

  8. That there is the goodness of a good salad around me

  9. That I don’t need to follow others

  10. What god has this for me

  11. By His Presence that lifts me up as I am led by His Spirit.

  12. That in being his good soldier there is always something good to do

  13. For the wisdom in the silence

  14. For horrifying creatures that remind me of how blessed I am today

  15. That my son sleeps while I work

  16. For the occupational aspirations that will arise in my son

  17. For the prayers I have for my daughter’s rent inspection

  18. For the implicit justice in the society that I live

  19. For my body’s need and ability to stretch.

  20. For a coffee breakfast

  21. May God show me that His Presence is with me even in my maintenance work.

  22. That God gives me so much grace, and this is felt mainly when I need it most.

  23. For the consummate ease of life in this minute and moment

  24. That consummate tranquility is a thing of the mind sustained by the heart willing to believe.

  25. That there is a belief that more is to come

  26. That I can change the focus

  27. That there is something always glorious in our mortal world

  28. That the hardest job of the season is behind us

  29. For a simple text message confession, the power of repentance

  30. That belief supports absolutely everything

  31. That here I am AGAIN by the grace of God

  32. By the living power of Jesus in me

  33. That I, at this moment, cannot withhold my praise

  34. Both by water and by breath

  35. For those dreams and aspirations, I trade for God’s best plan

  36. For the power in the minute, but I must act accordingly!

  37. For the prayer I have for a sick man

  38. That I’ve already helped three people and it’s only 7:41 AM

  39. For high intensity staying power, balance and the best of two opposing realities, available only in the power of God with the option open to rest at any time

  40. Christian bandwidth is very wide for a very important reason: there are many who must find a place to fit into a kingdom where, for the Lord, there is no right or wrong, where everyone is loved and accepted as they are and as they are. they in their fair conscience think

  41. By the blessed and joyful sound of children playing

  42. When the fire of God spreads through my being

  43. For the hearts of the receptive

  44. For the Spirit who commands as he lifts me to new life AGAIN

  45. For the revelation of peace in an anxious person

  46. For the Presence that God gives me for people of any age

  47. For the ladder that lifts me and supports my weight

  48. That I have a message burning inside of me

  49. That at this point I feel unstoppable

  50. May God give the increase, this time passionate children who are not normally passionate

  51. For the life of Billy Graham, who drives today’s devotions.

  52. For the revival events that continue today

  53. For the revival of one person we call salvation

  54. For reason to praise God … 10,000 and forever

  55. For encouraging a prayer group to pray

  56. By the echoes of the saints who have become angels

  57. By the light that purges the darkness

  58. That there is a way to life, and His name is Jesus

  59. That when a heart catches fire it tends to set other hearts on fire

  60. That nothing can stop God’s plan and purpose

  61. For the peace that begins in the nation that calls me!

  62. For the courage to risk for love throwing the caution of fear to the wind

  63. For young lives and vulnerable souls

  64. That there are more connection commitments at the moment!

  65. For another presentation opportunity

  66. That it is a great blessing to see the blessing unfold before our eyes.

  67. All for you, Lord!

  68. For an interaction with the smallest people, a person made in the image of God

  69. That there is an established understanding in coherence

  70. To know that tests happen for a reason, so that we can easily learn how to pass the test.

  71. For the protection due to vulnerable lives

  72. That there are three very important presentations to do this month, at least three

  73. That being carried through anything, there is the undeniable Presence of God as the

  74. That I could help in a situation where there was no one else to help

  75. For the generosity of a staff member to do something they could do but did not need to do

  76. For salad AND water

  77. To maintain balance in a test situation

  78. For the power in first impressions but the greatest power in redemption

  79. An impromptu message lines up for someone else’s intercession – such is the power of God

  80. That I am seen as safe, but much better to know that I am safe for others.

  81. For a healthy and alive mind

  82. For the second lunch (salad)

  83. For the ability to lift heavy objects.

  84. To get enough information to plan for the future

  85. That I will continue to offer to help

  86. For the opportunities I have had today to smile at you or with others no matter what they are experiencing.

  87. That I have capacity right now

  88. For the report that is based on the effort to reach the lives of others.

  89. For the glory imparted through me when I am an agent of light

  90. That pain is so irrefutably hard; has to be a teacher

  91. For the time in the moments

  92. For the encouragement a preschooler received by praying so eloquently

  93. For a radio interview about expecting difficulties

  94. That a simple repair is affected and one thing is recycled

  95. For the teachers I work with and for whom

  96. Because of the passion I have to reveal God to others

  97. That there is room for me even on this busy and exhilarating day.

  98. For the forward-backward style in the negotiation between two great friends

  99. For the wonder of making every moment a winner

  100. That is a record! 100 at 2:05 pm and it didn’t even feel hard

  101. For the humor enjoyed even during a stressful task.

  102. For the children I know by name and nature in my role as chaplain

  103. That we received our new Internet modem, etc.

  104. That the living room distributed as it is works very well

  105. That I was able to talk with my eldest daughter about the developments in her life.

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