Leopard Kung Fu: The Martial Art of the Smart Man

The leopard is a dangerously fast and magnificent animal. Run like a strong wind and catch their prey before they know what killed them. The leopard illustrates cold patience and a calculated bang. It shoots out like a tooth and nail stain. He uses stealth to close the distance between himself and his prey. Once caught in a leopard attack, there is no escape. The mighty cat will tear its prey to pieces. That is why Bai Yufeng and Li Sou studied the leopard and adapted their killing techniques to create leopard kung fu. Unlike the external art of Tiger kung fu, Leopard kung fu seeks to outwit an attacker with quick and aggressive angular attacks.

As a student, you will learn to use low kicks, elbows, and the patented leopard punch. You will learn to use a running, hitting and damaging fighting style, which will allow you to adapt to a stronger opponent. Counterattacks are indirect, sudden, and short, with the aim of landing a decisive blow. Unlike other hard martial arts, Leopard kung fu focuses on simultaneously blocking and striking your opponent.

The main objectives of Leopard kung fu are:

Develop strength and speed

Develop patience

Learn to hone the leopard strike for lower body spring action and deep attack penetration

The fighting style of the leopard

Leopard kung fu fighting techniques are designed for the combination of simple two and three attacking maneuvers that disorient, damage, and sometimes blind an opponent. Unlike most other martial arts, the style of the tiger does not depend on blocking or deep-rooted stances. A stance is only used to launch a powerful attack against an opponent. Instead of blocking, the tiger style uses a gorilla fighting concept that involves quick strikes and “running away” from your opponent.

The leopard fist, the phoenix eye and the leopard claw

The leopard fist uses a half open fist, with a crest created by bending the fingers at the first joint of the phalanx; and a secondary attack that comes from your open palm. The Phoenix Eye attack hits your opponent’s pressure points such as the eyes and temple. To form the Phoenix Eye, raise one of your index knuckles and keep the rest in the shape of a fist. The leopard claw is a modified version of the leopard fist. To do this, lift your fingers slightly and form a claw. The claw attack allows you to scratch, rip and rake your opponent’s throat and face.

The bottom line

If you are looking for an amazing, unique and deadly martial art, Leopard kung fu will be a great choice. You will learn patience like the dangerous leopard cat and the ability to attack quickly, intelligently and efficiently. Using one of the three leopard attacks, you will disable a larger opponent before they can damage you; and you will learn to walk fast that will allow you to avoid counterattacks by entering and leaving the reach of your opponents. It’s time to hit the rug and learn to defend yourself with the spirit and power of the ancient leopard.

Staying together, we have a great impact – Modern Samurai Society

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