Crack Cocaine – Is It More Dangerous Than Other Drugs?

Crack Cocaine

If you are thinking about using cocaine for the first time and have no experience with this drug, then you should know what you are getting yourself into. Cocaine, also referred to as rock or crack, is a highly addictive drug that is generally smoked, dissolved in a drink and injected. Cocaine provides a very short, intense euphoric high to users. It is commonly abused by young people. The National Manual of Drug Abuse (NDA) states that crack cocaine is the most highly addictive form of cocaine.

When a user first starts to use crack cocaine, they may not feel a tremendous rush or high, but will experience a strong desire for the drug. This peak feeling usually lasts for about 4 hours. After this high, users experience a chronic, dulling effect which eventually leads to an addiction. As long as the user regularly uses crack cocaine, the habit will be highly addictive.

Because crack cocaine is so highly addictive, it is difficult to find purer forms of the drug. Most of the pure cocaine on the market today is cut with other substances in order to keep the price down and to make profit. This reduces the purity of the drug and its ability to function normally within the body. As a result, many users end up getting addicted to these lower quality products.

Is It More Dangerous Than Other Drugs?

Crack cocaine is primarily used as a powder, so users must consume large doses in order to get the “high”. When using crack cocaine in high dosages, it is possible for users to experience hallucinations, paranoia, shakes, convulsions and even death from excess drug use. There are two major side effects that come from regular use of crack cocaine. These include the inability to sleep and the increased amount of paranoia that often comes with it.

People who use crack cocaine frequently in their home office setting often experience extreme paranoia as a result of their constant use of the drug. This often leads to severe anxiety, which can cause long term problems in the office. In order to combat this, people often take short breaks from their work to visit their home office and come back later that night feeling less anxious or even totally rested. This helps to prevent the onset of chronic anxiety.

If you or someone you know is dependent on crack cocaine, it is extremely important to seek treatment immediately. Even small amounts of the drug can prove to be incredibly addictive and deadly. It is best to try and stop using the drug without using other drugs to try to avoid addiction. However, if you do decide to try other drugs, it is best to only use them under the supervision of a qualified medical professional.

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