Blinded by congress

What Congress is doing to Americans with their constant bickering over much-needed financial aid is paramount to high-level extortion of the public. The blame falls squarely on the Senate Majority Leader and the Republican-controlled Senate. To be sure, the American public is being held hostage by a selfish bureaucracy.

With the holidays fast approaching amid a deadly pandemic, millions of Americans face a brutal cold winter as our public servants continue to serve themselves. One cannot remember when Congress has acted so callously and arrogantly out of sheer audacity in its inability to come and bat for the American public.

Back in the day my dad used to call out the good old days, we had a conference that really worked for people. Now, the only time Congress manages to conjure up a bill that actually passes reflects the interest of members of Congress while masquerading as a viable bill to help the American public.

If Congress doesn’t pass another round of stimulus controls on this looming stimulus bill for millions of Americans, those $ 1,200 out-of-pocket payments to households will not only suffer the entire economy, but push many into shocks. extreme that would otherwise be serious. avoided. All due to a lack of foresight and the ability to really see how even $ 1,200 can make a big difference between having a roof or being homeless.

Contrary to surveys that emphasize what people did with the first stimulus, more than 80% spent those first $ 1,200 on food, rent, and other necessities in the first few days. A stark contrast when surveys say that most people put that money back into savings. We must remember that today’s polls only reflect what the media wants the public to perceive as truths, not the actual facts that so many today are falling through the cracks into abject poverty. Fall into that vicious cycle of poverty with little or no hope of recovery. All because Congress is too caught up in partisan politics.

Partisan politics that have no place today considering how fragile our economy is and the health of our nation today. For too long, the games our public officials play have fueled the divisions that have divided this nation. And, as such, he created more partisan politics as a result. Our politicians are not only prone to blind adherence to a particular point of view, they are also swayed by others who support that point of view. Points of view that too often do not reflect the majority of audiences. Sad to say, America’s days are numbered when our elected officials act against the will of the public.

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