Baby’s Sleep and Motor Development Milestones from 4 to 12 Months

So, you thought you nailed it, your baby just mastered the art of sleeping through the night and bang, it’s all gone sideways because he’s developed a new motor skill.

Here’s a list of motor development milestones – how they can affect sleep, and what you can do to help your baby get back to normal. A recent study pointed out that there was a relationship between the onset of nocturnal awakenings and milestones in motor development: Babies were found to have a more difficult time falling asleep and began to wake up more frequently at night, two weeks before giving their first steps. It is also important to remember that babies often wake up at night and like to practice their new skills, as it is much more exciting than going to sleep; in fact, they like to cry a bit or call out to join them. for your date night.

or 4-6 months

Roll back to front but cannot back up.

Once a baby starts rolling, the above scenario will have him get up a few times at night to help your baby roll backwards, on his back. If you haven’t seen them roll from belly to back, they likely haven’t mastered that skill yet, so you may need to help initially. However, once you’ve seen them do it, you should refrain from getting too involved; otherwise they will call you to come and do it for them every time. Once the baby has the ability to roll onto the neck, the muscles become stronger and the chance of SIDS decreases. Many parents worry about their baby and this tragic phenomenon, but there is no need to worry, your baby is developing normally and is building up even more strength for his next amazing step.

or 6 – 9 months

Sitting: crawling and standing

Sitting – Once a baby has grown on its head, it no longer weighs as much on top and finally has the ability to sit. You may find that once in bed you can go from lying on your back to rolling to doing a quick push-up and standing in 5 seconds. For parents who sleep together, this can be especially challenging once the little one is awake and sitting up, they find it a lot of fun to poke their eye and touch their nose, while practicing a strange vowel or delicious squeak at the same time. OH! You should deal with this by laying them down and saying a keyword or shhh in a quiet, collective mansion, limit eye contact and don’t do anything that excites them by making them think it’s morning time. They may sit back a few more times, but lie back down.

Crawling – This is the one you’ve been waiting for – your little sugar plum starts to crawl and then of course when it happens you realize you had a lot more control when you were just sitting. Whether your baby is crawling on all fours, using their hands, with their bottom in the air and their legs as if they are walking, or sitting on their bottom and moving in reverse, this is another little sleep key that works! for you!

Babies love to practice these kinds of things at night when they wake up during their light sleep phase. You put them on the bed in one spot and the next time you see them they are squashed in a corner with a blanket woven around their limbs that looks like a pretzel.

Crawling can also lead to separation anxiety, as your little one begins to realize that it is not his attachment, but his own separate self. This type of anxiety has a distinctive cry that parents often describe as more of a cry or hysterical and can cause quite a bit of sleep regression.

Standing up in the crib is extremely frustrating for parents, especially when this happens in the middle of sleep training. Just a few nights ago, you could put your baby to bed and fall asleep; now she puts him to bed and before his back is turned, two little hands grasp the rails of the crib and the top of the head dotted with strands of fine hair. is struggling to peer over. This scenario always makes me laugh even though it is frustrating. I think it’s one of the cutest things for your little one to try to stretch out to see you. However, if you have already left the room and then decide to stand up, you can leave your child feeling stranded (COME BACK), they cry, so that you are met with a gummy smile and wet cheeks. For most little monkeys that have reached this stage: they can get up but not come down, the most worrying thing is the possibility that they will fall and hit their heads. If this milestone occurs before sleep training, wait while you teach your baby how to get back down. This can be done by placing your hands over theirs on the crib slats and lowering them and saying a keyword as well. If you’re in the middle of a sleep workout, you need to stay close by and keep helping them down, just be careful not to turn it into a game, but practice teaching them how to get back down during the day as well. If they are already trained to sleep, you may have some regression, so you will come back in at night for a short time, stay in night mode, and don’t make too much of a fuss. The phase will pass and the next on the list is walking!

or 9-12 months more

Walking, another hit in the night for you, during these milestones, there will be nothing to stop your little one, as they want to explore all possible avenues; yes they will wake up at night and practice climbing the crib, walking up and down, be careful. and refrain from having anything in the crib that is hard that could be a possible hazard and if you need to put on some crib bumpers or a safety test then go ahead.

It offers many opportunities throughout the day for your little one to explore and expend his energy, at this age he hardly stops to breathe. Babies rarely like to be confined to strollers or strapped to car seats at this age. Even though your little one is full of energy and just waiting to burn out, they still need an adequate amount of sleep, so don’t be fooled into thinking that naps aren’t important just because your toddler is showing no signs of slowing down. At this age, they still need 11-12 hours of sleep at night and 2-3 hours during the day made up of two naps.

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