Alignment – Get out of the box and into the magic of YOU!

Most of us like to be where we feel comfortable, safe, and protected from fear, harm, chaos, and confusion. None of us, myself included, really like having to face what we don’t know or have no point of reference, the unknown.

Yes, there are times when we look forward to the unknown as a way to experience something completely new, strange, out of the ordinary, and unknown.

It’s usually easier if someone else has already gone before us showing us the way and that it’s really okay because they came out the other end of the dark tunnel, facing the unknown and emerged intact and in one piece.

When we try to go beyond anything we’ve ever known, like starting or expanding your business, for example, this can be very scary for most people. It certainly was for me!

Thoughts start to go round and round, courtesy of ego talk causing self-doubt, fear of failure, or worse, ridicule. These fear-based thoughts often trigger emotions that question our intuition or gut feelings that, in the beginning, gave us the courage to take that step beyond what we know.

There are so many things we don’t know anything about, like writing articles and blogging for example, Or how to set up a website, what to charge, how to present what we have to offer and even attract potential customers. in an authentic and genuine way.

For others, it’s about walking away from something or someone they’ve known for a long time and starting a new life on their own or with a new partner.

Any of these examples can cause fear, struggle, chaos and confusion, self-doubt, lack of confidence, and even feelings of worthlessness and perhaps not deserving of fulfilling your lifelong dreams of having a fabulous life and loving what you have. make.

If we want to face the other side or see something, a situation or an experience or even a project that we are working on from another perspective, we need to get out and get away from what we are used to.

In an effort to paint a picture of what it really means to be able to get out of your comfort zone, out of the box, and into your magic, let’s give some meaning to the following…

Box: square or rectangular shape with four equal sides; a set of limiting beliefs, paradigms and mindsets that keep you trapped in outdated ways of thinking, speaking and acting out of fear of the unknown.

Magic: The power to seemingly influence the outcome of events through the use of mysterious or supernatural forces such as the Universal Laws of Attraction, Polarity, and Prosperity and Abundance.

Comfort zone: a feeling of familiarity; a place of borders and limitations; free from stress or fear; a feeling of fear of the unknown; not wanting to take a risk

Alignment: all things, thoughts and emotions are in sync with each other vibrating at the same energetic frequency, all flowing in the same direction

If you always do the same things, you will always get the same results. It’s that simple, and yet there are countless men and women who, for whatever reason, simply can’t or won’t take a step back to look at what they’re doing, or more importantly, they’re not doing it. and they continue to wonder why everything stays the same. .

It is more than essential that we stop and really look at where we are in relation to where we want to be. It’s more about taking many small, seemingly insignificant steps, one at a time, stopping to breathe along the way.

Rest assured, you will have scraped knees, bruised feelings, and sometimes wondering if what you are doing is really worth all that is required of you. You will hit what I call walls of energy that are fueled by the Ego-chitter talk to keep you from moving beyond what you know, keeping you safe, small and unfulfilled.

This space of staying in your comfort zone is about not failing, not being seen, not questioning what you have been taught and certainly not realizing and accepting that you have unlimited potential waiting to be tapped!

The magic lies beyond the box we call our comfort zone. You have to be willing to step beyond everything you’ve ever known to step into the magic of yourself.

This is an ongoing process, getting out of the box and into your magic. Because once we get into that new space, we start to feel comfortable until we hit the edge once again. Take a deep breath and get out of the box and immerse yourself in your magic!

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