Plant parsley in phase with the moon


Grown extensively in many orchards, parsley is a biennial herb that is most often treated as an annual. The culinary uses of parsley are many. Its crisp leafy greens are tasty and nutritious additions to salads. Parsley can be sprinkled over potatoes, either mashed, whole, or in salads, and its use to flavor sauces, soups, and fillings is extensive.

Plantation and Culture

Parsley is usually planted in March or April when the moon is growing. (ie increase lighting) It is a biennial that does well in both sun and partial shade. Any ordinary garden soil that does not dry out too quickly, is rich in nitrogen, and is not overly alkaline is suitable.

Planting parsley in moon phase

Parsley should be planted when the moon is in the second trimester (that is, rising) and in the next zodiac sign: Scorpio

Since parsley seeds germinate slowly, it is best to soak them in warm water for 24 hours before planting. Seeds usually take four weeks to germinate. One packet of seeds should sow a 100-foot row. Place the seed in a shallow trench that has been fertilized with well-rotten compost and manure and cover it with about 1/4 inch of fine soil. Plant rows 12 to 16 inches apart. For bushy growth, unwanted seedlings should be thinned out so that mature plants are at least six inches apart. The leaves can also be cut. To avoid damaging the shallow roots when weeding, plant radishes between the parsley. The radishes will drive out weeds and help mark the parsley rows.

Parsley will overwinter if it is given the protection of a light mulch during very cold weather. One of the first green plants to show up in the spring, parsley blooms in the second year. To prevent the grass from turning into seeds, the flowers, which resemble QueenAnne’s lace, should be cut as soon as they appear.

In the fall, the grass can be dug up, potted, and brought indoors, where it will continue to provide fresh leaves during the winter months. Care must be taken to dig up as much root as possible, and some of the outer foliage should be cut from the plant. Potted plants can also be started from seed indoors.


The first tender twigs can be cut as soon as the leaves are well formed. From then on, the leaves, with a part of the stem, can be cut as needed. Usually only the outer leaves are cut. This practice allows the heart of the plant to continue to grow and produce more leaves.

To use as a flavoring, the leaves can be cut and dried. The tender parts of the stems are cut from the plants and placed on a screen in a shady, dry and well-ventilated place. When completely dry, they can be shredded and stored in small containers with a tight lid.

Parsley can also be frozen for winter use. Pinch the foliage and spread it out on a cookie sheet. Quickly freeze and store tightly in a plastic bag for slow use.


Champion Moss Curled is smooth and crisp in flavor. Giant Italian is a strong producer. Hamburg is favored for its prolific growth and hardiness and its thick, edible root.

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