4 top health benefits of barefoot bowling

When you are over a certain age limit, there are very few sports that you can actively participate in without damaging your fragile body. Very vigorous sports like soccer, basketball, and tennis are out of the question. It is around this time that many people turn to more relaxed games like golf and barefoot bowling.

This is a simple game that doesn’t require a lot of sweat. Since it is played indoors, barefoot bowling is not hampered by bad weather. It’s hard enough to imagine that rolling a ball across the grass to hit a target could have any health benefits. However, this sport is not just a recreational sport, as it plays an important therapeutic role, especially for older people in society.

Some of the health benefits include

1. Burns excess fat: The body burns excess fat each time it uses its muscles in an exercise. The swinging movements used in this sport are enough to burn fat every time you practice them. This goes a long way towards maintaining the recommended weight and body fat levels and therefore reduces the chances of heart-related diseases.

2. Building social relationships: Many older people tend to feel lonely and abandoned. This leads to high levels of stress and depression that can be fatal. When older people participate in sports activities, they make friends and compete with each other, giving them something to look forward to and work with.

3. Improve coordination: Age comes with the loss of many things, including skills and coordination. Knowing the right time to bowl and the amount of energy to apply is a great achievement for older people, as coordination determines the suitability of players in the game with those who have coordination problems and find it difficult. difficult to make reasonable progress in the game.

4. Mental fitness: This game is not exactly your daily version of an active sport, but it involves older people both physically and mentally. They can also keep score and calculate the angle at which to bowl to score more points.

Bowling barefoot is a great way for seniors to have fun and stay healthy and fit. However, it is important to note that barefoot bowling is no longer a preserve of the elderly. attracts players of different ages and genders and all interested players can enjoy the health benefits described above, regardless of age. It is a simple and easy game to learn.

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